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Showing posts from December, 2020

Study With Me | Medspacedaily

Hey people, Welcome to my blog. Before starting to write about something new that I have been trying to bring in from past few months, Let me inform you guys  that we have changed out blog address. Earlier it was “” which is now replaced with “”. It’s just the change of the url address, everything else will be the same. Some of you might still have been wondering that why am i doing all this? Well, answer to all similar questions is that i like doing it in my free time. And I haven’t left medicine yet, so don’t worry😁. So let’s start. What’s new about this article ? Well, the header says it all. Welcome to my youtube channel “Medspacedaily” where I’m uploading study with me videos currently. As you all know that 2020 has been so worst for everyone of us and most of us are struggling to keep ourselves on track, either it’s our work or studies and we end up procrastinating a lot. I do that a lot, don’t know about you guys lol. Well that’

Increased Risk Of CVD, Ischemic Heart Disease And Death Link With Ultra-processed Food

Recent study adds reasons why shouldn’t we consume Junk food. Studies conducted in southern Italy links risk of cardiovascular diseases and ischemic heart disease with ultra processed junk food. A study conducted in southern Italy shows that among 22’000 men and women, those people who consumed more of junk food were at higher risk or developing CVD or ischemic heart disease because of high sugar in their diet. Marialaura Bonaccio, PHD, Department of Epidemiology and prevention at IRCCS NEUROMED, Pozzilli, Italy said that these findings should serve as an incentive for limiting consumption of ultra-processed food and encourage natural or minimally processed food as recommended by national nutritional policy. In this cohort study it shows that high consumption of Junk or ultra-processed food was linked to increase in risk of CVD mortality at 58% and ischemic heart disease mortality at 52% independently of other known risk factors. As reported by Medscape medical news, obesity and incid

Pennsylvania Med Student Finds Forrest Fenn's Hidden Chest Of Treasure

Jonathan Stuef, A medical student from pennsylvania medical school has found a chest of treasure containing precious jewels and gold in the mountain forests of wstern United States which was hidden by an eccentric art and antiquities dealer Forrest Fenn. Jack said that this treasure become an attraction for people around the world and many of them died while finding it. the treasure is estimated to be worth millions.  Deniel Barbarisi l, the author of a forthcoming book "Chasing the Thrill" which is based on this treasure hunt, said that few of who were hunting for the same alsi threatened Jack to hurt physically and legally, that is the reason why Jack had to move to a higher security home fir his protection. Jack Stuef said that the treasure is now at a secure location and he's planning to sell it to pay his student loans which seems reasonable for any health professional. Forrest Fenn decided to hide this chest of treasure in woods because he always concerned that peo

Western Counties Face Vaccine Bottlenecks

Although we have already developed effective and safe vaccines, the speed of the rollout faces several bottlenecks, which definitely has slowen down the speed of economic recovery. After approving Covid-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and BioNTech which was safe to use by Britain last Wednesday, But how to tackle logistical problems and educate a sceptical public could yet be great challenges for this country as well as The United States and European Union followed.  Britain’s medical regulator said healthcare workers and nursing home residents could be able to receive shots as early as next week and approvals for treatments developed by Moderna and AstraZeneca could follow within weeks. England authorities said they can administer 5,000 jabs a day from 42 vaccination centres. If operating at full capacity seven days a week, they should be able to deliver around 77 million doses in a year, which means 38.5 million people will have received the vaccine by the end of 2021 –that acco