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Showing posts from February, 2021

What Is Pomodoro Technique ?

Hey people, Welcome back to Medspacedaily. Today out topic is "Pomodoro Technique". We'll look into a little bit of history about it and then we'll see what is the actual method and with what type of different variations people use this technique for their studies, work and daily goals. As you know, It gets really difficult to keep focused on our work when we're surrounded by different tasks, people and social media. We all try so hard not to touch our phone while we're studying or doing some important work but can't help it sometimes😁. Even these days most of the education is getting app based and online, it's easy to get distracted and we end up wasting our most valuable time. Here comes this an amazing technique to keep yourself focused and manage your time efficiently and help you to finish your work in enough time and keep you accountable of your tasks. Yes, I'm talking about the very well known "Pomodoro Technique". Francisco ciril